A sensory pen that can read Braille could improve literacy among the visually impaired
A pen that can transform Braille into English text has been developed by experts at the University of Bristol.This post was originally published on this site
A pen that can transform Braille into English text has been developed by experts at the University of Bristol.This post was originally published on this site
Companies with emotionally intelligent managers are not only nicer places to work, but also make more money, new research says.This post was originally published on this site
It’s no secret that the composition of the American economy is changing. As the manufacturing sector continues to decline, the balance is slowly tipping even further away from goods and towards services. In line with […]
A study at the Department of Education, University of Jyväskylä, Finland, has investigated the contribution of young children beginning in early childhood education and care (ECEC) during their first days in the new environment. The […]
People love rankings—but do they really mean all that much? Sometimes they do, depending on several factors, according to Wyatt Lee, assistant professor in the Nolan School of Hotel Administration, in the SC Johnson College […]
Virtual reality (VR) video games that combine screen time with exercise are a great way to get fit, but game designers face a major challenge—like with regular exercise, adherence to “exergames” is low, with most […]
A new study has found high school students with disabilities impacting language and information processing were able to better comprehend content when teachers adopted evidence-based strategies to increase the accessibility of classroom teaching.This post was […]
There are many reasons a child should learn a musical instrument. Not only does it give them the opportunity to make music, a significant body of research points to benefits for cognitive and academic achievement.This […]
Darwin was puzzled by cooperation in nature—it ran directly against natural selection and the notion of survival of the fittest. But over the past decades, evolutionary mathematicians have used game theory to better understand why […]
Even moderate levels of school absence, not just extreme absences, can have a negative impact on exam results and career prospects, but they are frequently overlooked, according to a University of Strathclyde report.This post was […]
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